Create a Virtuous Circle of Wellbeing
According to the World Health Organisation, your mental wellbeing is connected to your physical and social wellbeing.
This course will teach your simple things that will improve all three.
This will create a ‘positive feedback loop’ that will send your wellbeing spiralling upwards.
A breakthrough formula that takes just 8 weeks...
…and a few minutes per day. By the end of the course you will have
1. Simple mindfulness tools that take less than a minute.
2. A personalised plan to improve your physical health.
3. An easy way to improve the quality of your social connections.
… and much more.
You can carry these techniques with you for the rest of your life.

What is special about the Doctor You Programme?
Dr Jeremy Howick has been doing research for 15 years on placebo effects and evidence-based medicine at the University of Oxford. He has published 100 articles in journals, and is the author of a bestselling book (Doctor You), which has been published in 7 languages…and counting.
The course translates the geeky science into language that is fun and useful.
How do I sign up and how does it work
Easy! You simply sign up by clicking the button below. You will then get one video and one exercise per week.
You're curious
- Maybe you are working from home and have some time to think about your health.
- Maybe you would like to stay healthy to avoid (overcrowded) hospitals.
- You have heard of ‘alternative’ medicine, and wonder whether there is any hard science behind it.
- You are curious about the ability of the mind to heal the body, and vice versa.
- You are busy….
For pennies per day, learn about how amazing your body and mind are, and what you can do to leverage their power.
Creating a worldwide pandemic of wellbeing
Learn to enhance your wellbeing with the latest evidence-based mind/body self healing techniques.
Your mental, physical, and social health are all connected. By addressing all of them together, you will generate an inner virtuous cycle of greater wellbeing.
Creating a worldwide pandemic of wellbeing
You have an amazing body.
And you can do some simple things to make it more amazing.
This short video introduces the Doctor You 8-Week Wellbeing Course
Doctor You 8-Week Wellbeing Course
Learn the latest evidence-based mind-body self-healing techniques in a fun, easy course that BOOSTS YOUR MOOD and takes just MINUTES PER DAY!

Jeremy Howick
Oxford philosopher and medical researcher, Dr. Jeremy Howick has conducted groundbreaking studies about placebos and why we need unbiased experiments. He has degrees from Dartmouth College, the London School of Economics, and the University of Oxford. He has over 150 academic publications in top journals such as the British Medical Journal, Annals of Internal Medicine, and The Lancet. His textbook The Philosophy of Evidence-Based Medicine spearheaded a new sub-discipline. He collaborates about placebo treatments and the need for rigorous evidence with the National Institutes of Health in the United States, the National Institutes of Health Research in the United Kingdom, and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research in Canada, and Harvard University. He has won three teaching awards, appears regularly on television and has written for the Times, the Huffington Post, and TheConversation.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
You can preview some great parts of the course FOR FREE, and there are free resources on my website.
The full 8-week version of the course costs $39 (about £30, or €35).
However because it is the beta-version, it is just $19 (about £15, or €15) for 2019! That’s:
- 0.33 per day over 8 weeks
- since you will acquire lifelong skills, it’s pretty much free
There are many wellbeing courses and books out there, and a lot of them are great. The Doctor You Wellbeing course is different because:
1. It is based on hard evidence, including my research with thousands of people over the last 15 years.
2. It is focused on exercises that will allow you to experience greater levels of wellbeing immediately.
3. It is based on the World Health Organisation insight that physical, mental, and social health are all integrated.
Try the FREE PREVIEW sessions to see for yourself.
That’s a great idea! You can click below to get access to free preview sessions, and you can also visit my website to find out more about my mission and philosophy.
It takes only a few minutes per week. You’ll just have to watch a video (3 to 7 minutes long). Then do an exercise. Some of the exercises take a few minutes, and some don’t take any time at all because you can do them while you are doing something else. For example, you can breathe more slowly while you are reading this, right?
12 videos 1 file 11 text files