Before you start
Setting yourself up for success
You will get access to a new section of the course each week, starting tomorrow. You can choose when to view it that week, and as mentioned earlier it is better to set aside a specific day and time each week.
To ensure that the course works for you, here are my top three tips: Set aside time at the beginning of the week, on Monday, to watch the videos and get a start on the exercises. Commit to doing the exercises. Enjoy it, and pay attention to your improved wellbeing.
Doing this will make the rest of your life more productive and happier so it is actually saving time.
Make a decision to commit to this now, and quantify your committment by blocking out time in your diary.
If you have a paper diary, write this in for the next 8 weeks. If you have an electronic one, do it electronically. Experience the benefits of this program and do this now.
Setting your personal goal
To make the course specially tailored to you, you need to choose a specific goal that is personal to you.
Step 1. Identify the goal
Importantly: this is an intuitive exercise, so simply choose the one that ‘jumps out at you’, so the way to choose it is not by over thinking or analyzing.
The course will help you address all of the statements, so it doesn’t matter too much which one you choose. There is no ‘wrong’ answer. You only have one minute to choose. Ready?
Go! (Note: you don’t need to click on the sentence that applies most to you, just identify it mentally.)
(Note: you don’t need to click on the sentence that applies most to you, just identify it mentally.) Choose one of the sentences below 1. I would like to feel more cheerful 2. I would like to feel calmer and more relaxed 3. I would like to feel more active and vigorous 4. I would like to wake up feeling more fresh and rested 5. I would like for my day to be filled with more things that interest me 6. I would like to do more exercise 7. I would like my personal relationships (with friends, family, social groups) to improve 8. I would like to feel more supported from friends and family
Step 2. Write an affirmation based on the goal
Now that you have chosen an individualized goal, it’s time to create an affirmation based on the goal. To make the affirmation, turn the goal into a positive affirmation. The affirmation is a statement as if the goal has already been achieved.
For example, if your goal is to be more cheerful, then the statement might be ‘I wake up feeling cheerful every day’. I’ve provided examples below that you can use to be inspired. It’s important for you to use your own words to generate your statement.
Examples of affirmations you might choose:
I wake up feeling cheerful every day I feel calm and relaxed I feel active and vigorous I wake up feeling restedORI sleep like a baby I do things that interest me every day I do more physical activity now On a regular basis I have close healthy connections with friends and family Special advice for those who would like to lose weight
There are special ‘bonus’ videos and exercises that include some ideas about losing weight (at the bottom of the course page) please watch them this week. Affirmations for losing weight or doing more exercise might include (remember to make sure you find your own words) I am lean and strong I am physically fit and healthy
For everyone
Write down your affirmation and keep it somewhere you see it often. Like in your purse or your wallet or your home screen.
- 1 Section
- 10 Lessons
- Lifetime
- Lessons10
- 1.0Week 1. Relax and Start in Neutral
- 1.1Week 2. Positive thinking
- 1.2Week 3. Social Relationships and health
- 1.3Week 4. How helping others helps your health
- 1.4Week 5. Make your wellbeing automatic
- 1.5Week 6. Be as nice to yourself as you are to your dog
- 1.6Week 7. Deep roots of change
- 1.7Week 8. Making wellbeing your new habit
- 1.8Bonus: hitting your optimum weight
- 1.9Bonus: Increasing physical activity